Retro Sweets Bouquet


Estimated delivery between March 02 and March 04.

Indulge in nostalgia with this unique Retro Sweets Bouquet, perfect for any occasion. This bouquet is a sweet assortment of mixed sweets, including all-time favourites from your childhood. The assorted sweets come in a beautiful bouquet packaging, making it an ideal gift for your loved ones. With a blend of style and flavour, this sweet and assortment bouquet is perfect for any party. The sweet bouquet features an assortment of sweets that will transport you back to the good old days. This is an ideal gift for any occasion. Please Note despatch time is 3 days on this item.

  • Drumsticks
  • Refresher Bar
  • Stinger Bar
  • Wham Bar
  • Anglo Bubbly Gum
  • Black Jacks
  • Fruit Salad
  • Swizzler Fizzers
  • Sherbet Fountain
  • Refresher Sweets
  • Barrett's Flumps
  • Sherbet Dip Dab

Ingredients - each item will have its ingredients listed on the individual product

Allergen informtion will be on the products when they arrive with you

